Make electronic mortgage filing easy with InfoTrack. Lodge your MR01, MR02, MR04 and MR05 forms online, with our direct connection to Companies House.
MR Forms Submission Online

Hassle-free mortgage filing
Traditionally registering charges against a company to Companies House can be an arduous and time-consuming process.
This becomes even more apparent when you need to complete and submit multiple MR01, MR02, MR04, or MR05s. It’s why we built our MR forms online, so you can save time and lodge electronic mortgage filing, hassle-free.
With all your MR filings available in one place, you can streamline the management and visibility of your company mortgage filings with InfoTrack.

Details when you need them
Whether you submit an MR01, MR02, MR04 or MR05 through InfoTrack, we always ensure you have access to the information you need. Submitting your MR forms with InfoTrack means:
- You can save and come back to work on your submissions as and when you need, with everything saved back to your drafts.
- Additional recipients, so you have peace of mind it will be picked up if rejected or amendments are required.
- The document and its relevant certificate are stored within InfoTrack for five years.
- Automatic return when using an integrated case management system.
- All MR filings are visible by status in one place.
Which Mortgage Registration form do I need?
The relevant MR form you are required to lodge with Companies House depends on what charges or charges-related item you need to register. InfoTrack provide several MR forms online to enable easy electronic submission.
MR01: Use this to register a charge created or evidenced by an instrument on or after 6 April 2013.
MR02: Use this to register particulars of a charge where the property has been acquired and the charge was created on or after 6 April 2013.
MR04: Use this to register a statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge against a company.
MR05: Use this to register that the property charged has been released from the charge or no longer constitutes part of the company's property.