Client Testimonials

Working with our clients to evolve the digitisation of home moving is what we value, which is why we love to hear how much InfoTrack helps firms manage their conveyancing process, digitally. Don't just take our word for it though, see what our clients have to say.

Faster, more accurate digital AP1s with InfoTrack

“The amount of time we’re saving is phenomenal and it makes life simple. It reduces the amount of tedious tasks we have to do day-to-day,”
Nathan Kapoor, Charles Coleman LLP
Key conveyancing tasks in a single platform
Everything in one area

“Using InfoTrack end-to-end saves so much time and with the constant pressure on fees, being efficient is key. It is much simpler having so much of the information in one place, making sure it is correct and then pressing the relevant buttons to submit to HMRC and Land Registry. InfoTrack has improved the accuracy of our fee proposals and we can even include an accurate estimate of the cost of searches.”

Sandy Munroe
Anthony Collins Solicitors
Flexibility with existing systems

“InfoTrack gave us the most flexibility and connectivity with our existing systems. They were able to offer integration with our case management system and, as we were already using InfoTrack for our searches, it was a logical progression to use the post completion services too. InfoTrack is one of the few, if not only, providers that offer that level of integration with our existing software suite and planned upgrade path.”  

Marcos Toffanello
Birketts LLP
Less repetitive admin

“The biggest thing that InfoTrack helps us with is the efficiency. We’re reducing the number of times we are inputting data or handling the file. Once the case is set up on InfoTrack you can easily use any of the products or services on offer without leaving the dashboard or inputting repeated information,”

Kieran Lowe
Aquabridge Law

Optimising client onboarding

“Pre-eCOS onboarding of a client could take anything from two to five weeks. Our average turnaround with regard to onboarding is about 2.1 days now.”
Mike Leeman, Bell Lamb & Joynson
Smarter compliance and client experience
Complete audit trails

“We love the ease of doing everything on one platform. However, what stands out for me is the reports. The platform enables me to ensure all issues are covered and most importantly that the report I am sending is CQS compliant for auditing purposes. The presentation of the reports is very professional and easy to read.”

Julie Oleszczuk
Dixon Rigby Keogh Solicitors
Supporting risk assessments

“We're CQS accredited, so we have to maintain compliance with CQS standards, insurer requirements, AML fifth directive, and similar mandates… Before, we would have to manually request the AML, now it does it all for you,… eCOS flags up any potential risks to us, so we can do further risk assessments and checks.”  

Anita Gillam
Oliver & Co
How conveyancing should be

“eCOS is a gamechanger. I sent my client care letter, terms of business, and Protocol forms to my clients last night using InfoTrack's eCOS and got everything back completed today and the Contract pack is now being issued to the buyer's solicitors. This is how conveyancing should be done️.”

Woodstock Legal Services Logo
Rubina Ferreira
Woodstock Legal Services

Driving innovation in home moving

“Using the latest technology demonstrates to agents, referrers, and clients we’re serious about what we do. A client can instruct at nine o’clock on a Monday morning and by lunchtime they're fully signed up - ID verified, source of funds sorted, and we're well underway. That used to take a couple of weeks! To be able to show that we can do that is crucial in this market, people want speed.” 

Richard Wollacott, Knights

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