15 reasons to submit your digital AP1s with InfoTrack

Switching to digital AP1s shouldn't be a challenge. Find out why InfoTrack has been the leading provider of digital AP1 submissions since 2016, with 15 reasons why you should submit your digital AP1s with us.

Updated June 2024

With digital AP1 submission now mandatory, it's important your firm uses a trusted, reliable solution. Speed, accuracy, and convenience are top priorities for law firms, which is why more conveyancers choose InfoTrack to submit their register applications.  

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When you choose to submit your AP1s digitally with InfoTrack, you benefit from eight years of experience as HMLR’s number one client, with over 1.4 million digital AP1 submissions. What does that mean for you? Expertise, efficiency, and effortless digital submissions. 

Here are 15 reasons why you should choose InfoTrack to submit your digital AP1s:

1. Faster AP1 submissions

We’ve streamlined the post completion process to the extent that you’re able to complete, submit, and manage your SDLT and digital AP1 in under 5 minutes. Plus, when you complete your SDLT in InfoTrack and we’ll automatically attach the returned SDLT5 to your AP1. With everything in a single form, there’s no need for multiple pages to complete the information. 

2. Over 95% of your AP1 pre-populated 

We’d all love extra time, which is why we leverage the latest AI and document reading technology to pre-populate over 95% of your AP1 form using information entered into your matter. Amazon, Microsoft Azure, and ChatGPT technology extract information from the TR1, TP1, and Charges to pre-populate your AP1 form, highlighting any mismatches so you can accept or amend the suggestions. 

3. CMS integrations

A single source of truth is a powerful thing. Save time, avoid rekeying, and minimise the risk of human error with data mapped directly between InfoTrack and your case management system. All related files will also be returned directly into the matter, saving you time and avoiding lost disbursements.  

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4. Automated lender updates

Integration with LMS means you can keep lenders updated automatically. No need to log in to ConveyancerZone, we’ll automatically send through the submission receipt and completion of register for you. 

5. Multiple forms in a single submission

With InfoTrack, there’s no need to submit individual AP1 forms for a single application. You can submit multiple forms in one application including Shared Ownership Staircasing matters to make the process more efficient. 

6. Submit with Power of Attorney

Reduce requisitions with our useful HMLR case worker-approved format, helping you to make the submission process more efficient. 

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7. Auto-populated MR01 and company details

Our integration with MR01 lodgement software means you can benefit from pre-populated certification wording provided directly within the notes section to inform your case worker of relevant MR01 and company details. 

8. Submission receipt notification

We know you want to be sure that your AP1 reaches HMLR. That’s why we provide a submission receipt to notify you as soon as your application reaches HMLR to take away any guesswork. 

9. Reduce requisitions with built-in validations

The digital AP1 process requires familiarity with HMLR's business gateway requirements. With the inclusion of additional validations throughout and AI, we’re helping firms to reduce their requisitions by up to 40% – meaning fewer delays with post completion. 

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10. Respond to requisitions with ease with handy templates

Requisitions can be pesky and delay completion. When they do occur, to help you minimise further delays, you can use guided requisition response templates to help you respond to any HMLR Requisitions via our intuitive AP1 dashboard. 

11. Intuitive AP1 management dashboard

Our intuitive AP1 dashboard lets you manage and monitor applications online, at the click of a button, for greater visibility across every matter. Filter applications by status to ensure you never miss expiring priorities (OS1 & OS2) again, see all applications across your firm, and see progress at a glance all within a single management portal.  

12. Direct connection with HMLR

Respond to requisitions, communicate directly with your HMLR case worker, and upload additional documentation with our inbuilt WhatsApp-style messaging solution for faster, more convenient requisition management within a single platform. 

13. Available 24/7

We understand that flexibility is key. With InfoTrack, you can submit your digital AP1 any time of the day or night, so no need to wait – submit at a time that suits you. 

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14. Only pay for what you use

We don’t operate a subscription model, so you’ll only ever pay for the services you use. 

15. Technology you can trust

InfoTrack were the first provider to enable digital AP1 submissions to HMLR. Since 2016, we’ve helped law firms submit more than 1.4 million digital AP1s through our platform. As the leading provider of digital submissions, it’s technology you can trust to make the process quicker and easier. 

Hear how Charles Coleman LLP has transformed its digital AP1 process with InfoTrack

Nathan Kapoor smiling with charles coleman logo and digital AP1 overlaid on orange background

Ready to switch? Get in touch to book a demo with one of our digital AP1 specialists today for your personalised demo.

InfoTrack logo blue text with orange arrows in a circular shape
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Published 13/6/2022
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